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  • Oswald Herrmann

Oswald Herrmann

Oswald – or Ossie as he is affectionately called – completed his Certificate III in Engineering – Mechanical Trade while working at Collier & Miller. He was awarded the 2022 Apprentice of the Year for Riverina after receiving a score of 100% in his final craft exam.

When did you start working at C&M?

I started a full-time position in January 2018 after completing two weeks’ work experience in late 2017. I was 16.

What is your current role and what does it involve? 

I am a qualified machinist and my work involves designing and fixing metal fabricated parts and machines as well as building components for our own C&M machines.

How have you found managing work and study commitments?

I’ve found it pretty easy to be honest. C&M give us one day a fortnight to work on our study commitments, which really helps. We spend it at work and can use the equipment we’re familiar with to work on. Our supervisors are also great at supporting us. Many of them started out just as we have, so they’ve been through it all and have a lot of experience to share.

What do you enjoy most about working at C&M? 

The learning every day. There is always something different happening - a big variety of work coming through the door and the variety of tools and equipment we have access to is great. It’s also nice to work with such a friendly group of staff and co-workers. 

Piece of advice for other aspiring apprentices? 

Put yourself out there to experience new opportunities and learn as much as you can!

What do you enjoy doing when you’re not working?

I’m a pretty active bloke – I love playing AFL and I spend a lot of time on the family farm working with my family.